Academy of Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University
Reporter genes and systems play an important role in biological sciences. β-glucuronidase (GUS), luciferase (LUC) and green fluorescent protein (GFP) are widely used as reporter genes or selection markers in plants. These compounds requi
U.S. Department of Energy/Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Image: ORNL's biosensor system reveals the CRISPR activity in poplar plants. Poplar plants emit bright green under ultraviolet light, while normal plants appear red. see more
Image source: Guoliang Yuan/ORNL, U.S. Departme
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Students in Phipsburg are eating more fresh produce, thanks to their school’s self-watering, self-fertilizing hydroponic planter, which began to provide fresh vegetables to the cafeteria in early November.
Phippsburg students add new let
Every item on this page is carefully selected by the editor of House Beautiful. We may earn commissions on certain goods you choose to purchase.
Here is how to bring it outdoors to improve your health
You may not have heard of the term "nature-friendly design", but as it becom
If you have time, please visit r/battlestations on Reddit and you will notice a recurring theme-LED lights. Nowadays, people start to decorate their rooms and home offices with smart LED lighting seems to be a growing trend, and as the pandemic forces people to work from home, rethinking your hom
The two growers shared the steps they took to convert the facility from HPS to LED lighting, as well as the lessons learned in the process and the results they have seen so far.
When Denver-based Lightshade and multi-state operator Holistic Industries switched from high-pressure sodium (HPS
Houston, we have peppers.
In the 2015 blockbuster "The Martian", an astronaut born as a botanist was trapped on Mars and had to find a clever way to survive in terrible conditions. Somehow, he survived-thanks in part to the power of the humble potato.
His brilliant plan included ferti
Originally published on December 6, 2017 by former garden writer Ciscoe Morris
Planting a living Christmas tree in the garden is a great way to commemorate a special holiday. However, if you want your tree to live longer, you must take steps to prevent it from breaking the dormant s
According to data from the US Department of Energy, buildings consume approximately 40% of the energy in the United States and contribute 33% of greenhouse gas emissions. Improving the energy efficiency of commercial buildings is critical to reducing carbon emissions and achieving today's
Each product is carefully planned by Esquire editors. We may earn commissions from these links.
For less than $65, this attractive hydroponic planter will make you excited about fresh vegetables.
You don’t have to come from a gardening background to enjoy watching basil plan