Die LED-Technik ist eine Wissenschaft für sich, ganze Forschungszweige befassen sich nur mit den kleinen, leuchtenden Chips und tüfteln seit Jahren an immer besseren Lampen. Für die meisten ist klar: LEDs sind effizienter als herkömmliche Lampen. Aber so ganz begründen können es dann die we
Author: Katherine Sauer, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center November 21, 2021
An illustration of NASA’s laser communication relay demonstrating communication with the International Space Station via a laser link. Image source: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
NASA's Laser Communica
The market is driven by a variety of factors, such as increased interoperability of military systems, increased use of optical fibers in aircraft, increased defense spending in emerging economies, and increased demand for more electric aircraft and cockpit concepts.
New York, November 18, 2
What is the most difficult part of your job?
For many of us, busy work, scolding subordinates, or meeting with the boss is annoying. But for the lucky Alex Garcia, the distribution director of SF Cultivators, the most difficult part of his job is to smoke a ton of weeds until he finds a va
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Some people say that you cannot improve nature. But when it comes to cannabis cultivation, sometimes even nature needs a little help. In fully enclosed and greenhouse cultivation operations, supplementary lighting becomes a necessary condition to maximize yield. However, adding lighting to a faci
Harlem World Magazine was founded in 2003 as a lifestyle company.
Grow lights are light used to stimulate photosynthesis of succulents. It can be used for indoor and outdoor use, but there are a few factors to consider when deciding which grow light is best for your specific situation. We h
III-V Epi will showcase its fast turnaround, MBE and MOCVD epitaxial manufacturing services at the British National Quantum Technology Show in London on November 5, 2021. The exhibition is supported by Innovate UK and KTN (Knowledge Transfer Network), and includes more than 80 British exhibitors
Five-year data from Cannabis Business Times exclusive market research reveals key industry trends in how cannabis growers use lighting indoors and in greenhouses.
One of the most consistent trends that emerged in Cannabis Business Times' five-year "Lighting Market State" study is the increa
Comparison of cognitive performance when exposed to traditional lighting or sunlight-like lighting (Graphic: Business Wire)
Comparison of cognitive performance when exposed to traditional lighting or sunlight-like lighting (Graphic: Business Wire)
Comparison of spectra under the same